
We extend our deepest gratitude to the entire TinyML4D Academic Network, comprised of distinguished professors, researchers, and professionals. Notable contributions from Marco Zennaro, Brian Plancher, José Alberto Ferreira, Jesus Lopez, Diego Mendez, Shawn Hymel, Dan Situnayake, Pete Warden, and Laurence Moroney have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of Embedded Machine Learning (TinyML).

Special commendation is reserved for Professor Vijay Janapa Reddi of Harvard University. His steadfast belief in the transformative potential of open-source communities, coupled with his invaluable guidance and teachings, has served as a beacon for our efforts from the very beginning.

We also thank Ermanno Petrosemoli for his meticulous review of the content in this material.

Acknowledging these individuals, we pay tribute to the collective wisdom and dedication that have enriched this field and our work.

Illustrative images on the e-book and chapter’s covers generated by OpenAI’s DALL-E via ChatGPT